

Laura Sturm (1984), Shanghai-based artist from Germany, paints on mixed media (acrylic, coal, permanent marking pen on canvas). Her artworks have recently been chosen by McDonald's as the base for their new breakfast muffin national campaign, and are being displayed by Disney in Shanghai. She also attends national art exhibition regularly.

Laura Sturm出生于1984年,目前是居住在上海的德国艺术家,通常使用布面综合材料 (丙烯,炭笔,及永久记号笔在布面作画)。她的画作最近被麦当劳买断,作为松饼新早餐全球宣传的主题艺术作品;同时被上海迪斯尼作为官方展示作品;并参与莎士比亚400周年等世界性巡游画展。


Painting is how Laura expresses herself: independent, positive, and in love with life. Throughout her paintings, one can appreciate how much she loves the simplicity of life: bold lines, abstract forms. Yet one can’t help but notice the passion through her lens of interpretation: vibrant, new colors whether it’s a bicycle, a pet, a farmer’s market, or a restaurant in Vietnam. Her style evolved as she traveled around the world, from Argentina to India to China. 



Laura has been painting for as long as she could remember as a toddler, when her father, a lifelong artist and pianist himself, taught her the first strokes. She is a very positive person and never paints when in a bad mood. Even to date, the father and daughter stay spiritually connected simply via each other’s artworks. 

Laura从两三岁记事起,就开始在父亲的指导下作画 -- 他自己也是一位终身艺术家和钢琴家。她是一个很积极的人,从不在心情灰暗时作画。直到今日,父女就算没有太多时间交谈,也可以通过欣赏彼此的作品保持心有灵犀。


She first came to China in 2004 and later met her husband in Shanghai. Life as a mom of two daughters is busy yet fulfilling with laughter. Nothing is more blessing than seeing her children grow up and learn new things everyday. She practices yoga and CrossFit, and speaks or writes in 6 languages. 

她第一次来到中国是2004年,直到2013年遇到了她的先生。作为两个可爱混血女儿的妈妈,生活虽然很忙碌,也充满了欢笑 -- 没有比看到自己孩子学习长大更充实的事情了。Laura平常会练习瑜伽和CrossFit综合健身,会说写德文,英文,中文,日文,理解西班牙语,法语,及阅读拉丁文。



