
Plastic Fantasy: Cracking Art Group's Snails


塑料狂想 裂解艺术联盟的蜗牛

Plastic Fantasy: Cracking Art Group's Snails




REGENERATION (Duomo of Milan) ,Cracking Art Group

如此超现实的画面,来自世界闻名的艺术团体,Cracking Art Group(裂解艺术联盟)。而今年暑假,他们标志性的鲜艳而巨大的蜗牛爬到了上海杜若云章艺术画廊的花园里!

裂解艺术联盟的名字来源于化学反应中的裂解,也是油分⼦转变成塑料的重要步骤。建⽴于1993年的裂解联盟是2013年与2014年30岁以下的五个拍卖市场最成功的艺术家之⼀,由六位来自世界各地、才华横溢的艺术家组成,包括Alex Angi , Kicco , Marco Veromese , Renzo Nucara , Carlo Rizzeti ,William Sweetlove,从欧洲走到美洲,展示他们创作的装置艺术,如超巨型的彩色动物雕塑。并且,他们每次都会围绕着一个特定的科学、环境或者社会命题。他们的作品看似充满乐观色彩,其实在谴责社会上的各种变质现状;全因他们认为艺术肩负着重大的社会责任,希望透过创作,记录下当代社会所发生的种种,拯救或展示我们眼前的一切事实。



塑料狂想|裂解艺术联盟的蜗牛《超级有机时代》由裂解艺术联盟成员Alex Angi创作。Alex Angi的雕塑作品,有些如热带兰花的绚丽颜色背后,隐藏着令人惊心的毒素;有些则如首饰瑰宝,令人一见倾心,无法抗拒。而塑料的奇异触感,有时候更会让人联想到儿时的玩具粘土,甚至是杏仁蛋白软糖,叫人忍不住想一口咬下去。他所创作的艺术品,将塑料循环利用,制作出奇形怪状的雕塑,并且围绕特定的科学、环境或者社会命题,简单而乐观的艺术手法却能启发无穷想象,被视为在欧洲蔚然成风的新写实主义流派。关于微型和巨型的相对概念,为 Alex 带来源源不绝的创作灵感。“我一直努力寻找地球上并不存在的各种形态。”换句话说,他积极探寻不同物料的可塑潜力,甚至利用他过人的想象力,尝试超越显微镜或望远镜的物理技术,揭示关于有机物质、原子,以及遥远的银河系所隐藏着的种种奥秘。

塑料狂想|裂解艺术联盟的蜗牛Crackling art group creates art that is cute, innovative and environmentally friendly- a rare and wonderful combination. Their art adds atouch of light hearted fantasy wherever it is placed. The group was founded in 1993 by agroup of young artists Renzo Nucara, Marco Veronse, Carlo Rizetti Alxi Angi,Kicco and William Sweetlove. These young people work well to together to creatework that is instantly recognizable as coming from Crackling Art Group, yetthat has a wide range. Crackling Art Group in the top five artists under thirtyduring 2013 and 2014 in action marking. 


Their work features thought Europeand America, sometimes as outside instillations sometimes as part of interior galleries. The plastic that the work is made out of is very durable, so it canretain its shape and brightness even in the harsh winter of New York City. Sometimes it sits on the ground and sometimes crawls up walls, it is remarkably versatile and creates fantasy wherever placed. Particularly notable is some bluesnail instillations they put on a cathedral roof in Milan, the contrast between the bright blue, almost psychedelic snails and the ancient cathedral roof is unforgettable. This is work has meaning, it’s purpose is to promote debate about the environment and conservation. The sculptures are made of 100% recycled plastic, meaning that all the materials used are prevented from degrading the environment. They are particularly famousfor snails, however also have created, turtles, frogs, penguins, rabbits,foxes, crocodiles and mere cats, all with the signature Crackling Art style ofbright colors and larger-then–life creations. The work protects the animals it depicts. The work of Crackling Art Groupis, frankly, its adorable. It is a lighthearted way to bring to surface very seriousissues and for that- the group deserves credit. With so many people getting tired of the environmental protection movement guilt tripping them, this group’s approach is positive, innovative and motivational. Surely they are at the forefront of bothart and activism, a place much desired but seldom reached. 

 Their tumbler post ends like this,and so shall I

 “Stop, Make a wish, go away… and make it happen”



