





我出生于一个寒冷的冬天,90年代开始上的小学,2000年开始上初中、高中。可以说,我的青少年时代是一个典型的"中国式教育 ",其实也就是我们常说的"应试教育 ",数不清的考试,复习练习册、培训班、还有人人都要拼个你死我活的中考、高考,似乎这个独木桥,只有每一个人通过了,考上一个好的大学,未来才能有一个好工作和生活。似乎也是父母在我少年求学时,一直教导我的那样。



中国的考试和教育 ,今天还能改变我们的命运吗?

从我的小学开始,一直到大学毕业。我参加了无数的考试和补习,所有应试教育 和填鸭灌输式教育 ,我都经历过。我的这个系列作品《硕士》系列,其实是我对自己的人生经历、学习经历的一种反思。我是一个85后,从小开始是看着哆啦A梦长的,不是在革命的血腥风雨和政治运动中成长,所以我一直觉得自己应该在这个年龄做一个对自己的反思,这个反思也许是整个85后,或者80后有过"中国式教育 "经历的人所共鸣的。我不会宏大叙事,不会那么高瞻远瞩的站在民族大义的角度去描绘的我作品,但是我可以从自己的人生经历,也许是整个80后这一代人的经历去思考和反思我们的状态和生活轨迹。



面对越来越多的80后、90后大学毕业进入社会后的窘境,社会的年轻人面对高房价、应试教育 、缺乏独立思考的能力等。



My master dream

I was born in the winter ,started primary school in the 1990s, starting middle school and high school in 2000s .my youth was a typical "China education", actually also is we often say "exam-oriented education", and countless exams, review the workbook, training classes and so on . And everyone have to face lots of exams in their childhood, it seems that the only each person passed, admitted to a good university, can have a good work and life in the future.It seemed that my parents had taught me the way I was when I was a teenager. 

There are a lot of jokes on the Internet saying that after the 1980s, there was no good policy for the post-80s generation.Graduation is a good place to work, not to catch up, you cant afford the price of house when you graduate from Tsinghua university . In that way so many people crowded to buy school district housing in Beijing , why? Countless questions and reflections made me think carefully about myself and my time. When I was students in high school , growth

in the era of cultural revolution and the communist crazy teacher, said we are the "corrosion by capitalism" for a generation.Is that the case? I don't think so.

In 2004, enduring 4 times fine arts college examination , I got LAFA being a freshman . I like Art. It wasn't until 2007 that I got into the painting department of Lu Xun academy of fine arts ,made my Art dream come ture. I graduated from LAFA in 2011, got bachelor’s degree .I want to get a master ‘s degree and graduate ,but I failed . 

Will exam and education change our fate today?

From my elementary school to graduated from college. I've been involved in countless exams and remediation sessions, all of which I've been through with the education and the duck infusion.My collection of "master" series is a reflection of my experience of my life and my learning experience.

this may be the reflection after 1985s, or 80 followed by A "China education" experience of resonance.I won't be grand narrative, will not stand in the Angle of the Chinese nation's sense of honor so vision to describe my work, but I can from one's own life experience, is perhaps the generation after 80 and experience to think and reflect on our state of life. 

A nation without reflection has no future. Similarly, a person who does not understand introspection has no future. My artwork is my life experiences and stories, but it is also our generation all accept the exam-oriented education to grow up in China after 80 generation of reflection and review. Can an exam change your fate? Can a good university change its fate like my parents said ?

This is a "daddy-is-the-key" society .that is a truth. Faced with more and more after 80s, 80s after graduated from the university after entering society, society of young people in the face of high housing prices, exam-oriented education, the lack of independent thinking ability. 

I didn't go to the rhetoric to criticize the society, the reality is that reality, it is not to change the will of man, but I hope my artwork could have values and meaning . 
