雕塑. 空间 -  Mercedes me

Mercedes me Sculpture and Space (Mercedes me Sanlitun)

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me


 Patience and persistence, professional dedication and break through the barrier of creation, there is no impossible. Following them, you will really find a way to be an artist.

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me

犹如130年历史的梅赛德斯-奔驰,对于产品的设计与制造,既有坚持的执着又有创新的激情。同样以艺术家的"匠人精神"专注于极致,而Mercedes me 则是这种精神的体现。

 The persistence and passion in its product design and manufacturing was embedded in the 130 year history of Mercedes-Benz. Regarding the craftsmanship for excellence, Mercedes me is an embodiment of such spirit.

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me


 From Duchamp’s "post-artistic era" or "era after art", artistic linguistics has taken a new turn. Sculpture, as a traditional form of art, becomes the foundation of modeling, concept and spatial expression in the new artistic linguistics, forming new cohesiveness and extensiveness.

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me


 Some of the artists in the exhibition are veteran sculptors, others are artists focusing on paintings.

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me


 Sculpture and Space is a chance of exploring nature and the meaning of things for artists. Maintaining a perceptive and reflective attitude towards all things, along with their keen sensitivity to the present society and culture, have made these artists special "observers" of the era.

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me


Therefore, their sculptures form a space of correspondence and interaction rather than a mere physical space; they reflect the relationship between human activities and their social surroundings. --- Curator

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me


 Apart from passion for art, these artists have their commitment to visual "aesthetics" which are perfectly shown in every piece of sculpture.

雕塑. 空间 - Mercedes me

展览时间:2017年5月31日-2017年6月30日 Date: May 31 - Jun 30. 2017

地址:北京市朝阳区南三里屯路1号Mercedes me 三里屯体验店 

Address: Mercedes me —Sanlitun ,No. 1 South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

即将迎来的视觉飨宴,不容许轻易错过。 所以,再一次的邀请me粉们,和我们一起欣赏雕塑空间,品味艺术之美,不见不散!

It is a forthcoming must-see visual banquet. To all the fans of Mercedes me, again we invite you to the upcoming Sculpture and Space event to explore the works of immense beauty.
