

《三好学生》60x60cm 布面丙烯 2017


转眼间1985年出生的我,已经开启了30+的模式,从小时候父母的灌输和教育 中,我从中学到大学,再到进入社会。年少的时候父母教育我说:你好好学习考上大学,毕业有个好工作,才会有好生活。经历过文革时期的50后父母,一直遗憾于自己的青春在一场疯狂的运动中荒废,人生不可以重来,时间也不可以倒流。

我出生于1985年的冬天,90年代上小学,2000年开始上初中、高中。可以说,我的青少年时代是一个典型的“中国式教育 ”,其实也就是我们常说的“应试教育 ”,数不清的考试,复习练习册、培训班、还有人人都要拼个你死我活的中考、高考,只有通过高考考上大学,才能有好工作和生活。


《那一年》 35x40cm 布面丙烯 2017



中国的考试和教育 ,今天还能改变我们的未来吗?




2017年 杨苏

“ A truth-based truth, in relation to us, like prosthetics, dentures, waxes, or even artificial skin grafts. And the truth that comes from independent thinking is like our born limbs ”


《solo》 canvas acrylic 100x80cm 2017

I was born in 1985, and I have started the 30+ model. I have learned from my parents' indoctrination and education since I was a child. When I was young, parents said, you should study hard and get a good job after college, and you will have a good life. induring the cultural revolution, my parents have been regretting that their youth was abandoned in a crazy sport. Life can never be and time can't be returned.

I was born in the winter of 1985 and went to primary school in the 1990s and started junior and high school in 2000., my youth was a typical "China education", actually also is we often say "exam-oriented education", and countless exams, review the workbook, workshops, and everyone wants to spell a life-and-death tests, the entrance examination, only through the university entrance exam to go to college, to have a good work and life.

There are a lot of jokes on the Internet. After saying 1980s, we didn't catch up with any good policy, and we didn't catch up with the university for free. Graduating with a good job and not catching up, a college degree is no longer a proof of gold. If you can't afford to buy a school district, why you buy such high housing prices? People say times produce heroes, when I went to school taught us a lot of old age, growth in the era of cultural revolution movement of the teacher, said we are after 80s generation than a generation, is a generation of "corrosion", the fact is that so?


《Ukulele》 canvas acrylic 60x45cm 2017

In 2004, I took the college entrance exam and registered for the lu xun academy of fine arts. It was not until 2007 that I was admitted to the oil painting department of lu xun academy of fine arts. 2011 undergraduate course graduation graduate student drop-off, I had no hope what, just feel like a big social employment environment is bad, the graduation also seemed to be lost, he also participated in the year of postgraduate entrance exam, the result is also in my "expected".

Can China's exam and education change our future today?

From primary school to university, I participated in numerous examinations and remedial studies, typical of education. My series of series is actually a reflection on the growth and life of people of my own time.

Faced with more and more post-80s and post-90s graduates entering society, young people face social problems such as high housing prices, one child policy, and application of education.

Reality is reality. It doesn't change with the will of man, but I think my work can tell the truth. The ability to reflect and think

By Yang su 2017
