

展览主题|Title:多兰娜与朱贤巍 DUO LAN NA &ZHU XIAN WEI

艺术家|Artist:: 多兰娜/朱贤巍 Duo Lanna / Zhu Xianwei


开幕时间|Opening:2016.10.29 16:00

多兰娜 Duo Lanna

绘画与我而言,如吸了一口“氮气”,与其说我选择了它,不如说是它选择了我。空气中游离的氮气一向被人们看作是一种懒惰的气体,它似乎对什么都不感兴趣, 既不帮助燃烧,也不维持生命。在第一次把氮气写成“淡气”,意思是说,它冲淡了空气中的氧气,氮在一般情况下表现的很孤傲,但在高温情况下,却变得像个热情的年轻人……

As for my relation with painting: if I were to breathe in a mouthful of "nitrogen", instead of saying that I chose to do so, it'd be more appropriate to say that it chose me. Nitrogen drifting freely in the atmosphere has always been regarded as a lazy gas, as it appears to be indifferent to everything. Not only is it not inflammable, it also doesn't support life. The first time I wrote the word nitrogen as "njet-rogen", I meant that it had diluted the oxygen in the atmosphere. Under normal circumstances, nitrogen behaves proud and aloof, yet under high temperatures it turns into an overexcited youngster...


“多兰娜与朱贤巍”双人展形式 Modus _布面油画 Oil on canvas 100x80cm 2016

“多兰娜与朱贤巍”双人展合影 Group of photos_ 布面油画 Oil on canvas 100x80cm 2016“多兰娜与朱贤巍”双人展迎面 Confront_ 布面油画 Oil on canvas 100x120cm 2016


1986年生于内蒙古科尔沁 蒙古族

2004-2008 内蒙古大学艺术学院,

2008-2010 北京服装学院。



2015年 “在想象中闪烁” 群展 兰空间

朱贤巍 Zhu Xianwei


The way I see it, painting is the most direct and complex of all mediums. In an era that is more affected by informatization and virtualization with each passing day, painting retains its vitality, precisely because it has always focused on the genuine experiences of life and required artists to do their utmost for the sake of this endeavor.My painting focuses on nature as an essential theme. Little by little, never-ending urbanization and computational reason are threatening the foundations of human existence. As a result, man seems to have forgotten all about his true hometown, whereas I use painting in an attempt to reach the path leading to a spiritual garden.


“多兰娜与朱贤巍”双人展给朋友的一封信 A letter to friend 布面丙烯 Acrylic on cloth 170x230cm 2012

“多兰娜与朱贤巍”双人展雾 Fog _ 布面丙烯 Acrylic on cloth 50x70cm 2016


天空_the sky 布面丙烯 Acrylic on cloth 40x50cm 2016


1971年生于山东青岛,1996年 毕业于中国美术学院油画系,获硕士学位,1996年至2000年任教于青岛大学美术系。2001年至2003年就读于德国国立斯图加特艺术学院自由艺术系,大师班;2003年至2008年就读于德国国立斯图加特艺术学院自由艺术系绘画专业;2009年受聘于德国斯图加特Merz艺术设计学院;2010年至2013年 客座任教于北京电影学院。



2016 年 别处,bechter kastowy 画廊,维也纳奥地利 ;2015年 云中乌托邦,Vayhinger 画廊,辛根德国;2015 年Tobias Schrad画廊, 乌尔姆,德国


开放时间/Hours:周二 — 周日 10:00 —18:00

Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 —18:00 

地址:北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地甲8号 醉库国际文化创意园·A5Zuiku lnternational Cultural Park of Caochangdi,Airport Service Road Chaoyang district.100015

电话/Tel:+86 010–8467 0656



