
international pastel art communication and cooperation exhibition in Istanbul CRR Concert Hall . I am very glad that 22 pastel artist ( 6 pastel Masters &16 professional pastel artists.) joined our exhibition . We had a great opening ceremony yesterday, about 500 guests came to our exhibition . International Radio, Xinhua News Agency, Turkish Central Television, magazines and art newspapers all reported on the grand opening of our opening ceremony. The Istanbul City Government and the Turkish Chinese Association hosted the exhibition. The Turkish Cultural and Tourism Bureau and many Chinese and Turkish institutions and companies supported the show. 国际粉彩艺术交流与合作展 在伊斯坦布尔CRR政府音乐厅 我很高兴22位粉彩艺术家(其中6位粉彩大师和16位专业粉彩艺术家)参加了我们的展览。 昨天我们举行了一场盛大的开幕式,约有500位嘉宾参加了我们的展览开幕式。 感谢伊斯坦布尔市政府和土耳其华人协会主办了这场大展。土耳其文化局和旅游局以及很多中国和土耳其的机构和公司赞助和支持了这场大展。 感谢新华社,国际广播电台,土耳其CNN电台和很多媒体报纸跟踪报道了我们的艺术交流报道。
