

開幕酒會:5月31日(週四) 6:30 



         一朵白云系列是我个人的生活哲学,是一个时代的产物,更多的是描绘当下的人文生活环境,虚拟的现实生活。蓝色表示着空间,云象征着时间的产物,一朵白云系列是在不同时间不同维度中的产物。也代表不同意义,比如:生命、积累、开始、空浮、时间、想象等等。 生活中人们在乎情感的寄托,追逐远方,云成了最好的寄托载体,而我就像一个幽灵,四处飘荡,没有设定的方向,穿梭在城市里,倾听城市的声音,享受着大自然与人文环境的结晶,感受品味着人们强有力的肢体情感;走在乡间攀登顶峰,俯视一切,仰望蓝天;漫步海边,感受海浪的拍打,倾听海的声音。我崇尚知识,崇尚大自然,享受着人类的文明与智慧的结晶,感受大自然的魅力,倾听万物的声音。 

       The first series of clouds were inspired by a dream. In a dream state all things are hazy and unclear. I just remember this type of scene where there were this and that kind of people moving around in this and that fashion. Everybody and a wish or desire, some just a dream of a wish others a thought of a desire. In all reality none of us actually know where we are in the middle of this hazy and unclear dream-state of existence. A cloud can be as a dream, a desire, that I am unable to let go of for many many years. Every time I look up to the clouds I feel a deep sense of the great potential of who I can be, a feeling from deep inside, a feeling of something bubbling up from a deep, secluded area of myself. Something like a seed sprouting and growing forth giving me a sense of purpose, meaning and significance. 

       This next series of clouds represents my life and various philosophies I have developed as a result of the passage of time, a depiction of a glimpse of human nature, life and all it's surrounding circumstances, both imaginary and real. The blue sky in which the clouds appear can be seen as a the expanse of all space and the clouds as periods or moments of time, a series of clouds that represent the results of the intersection, interaction and passage of multiple times and dimensions. They also congruently represent multiple additional senses and meanings, the sense and meaning of life, a sense of it's cumulative affect, a sense of space, a sense of fluidity and motion, a sense for the presence and passage of time, a sense of wonder and imagination and so on. It has been observed that a focal point of activity in people's lives deals with the expenditure of a great amount of hope, efforts and emotions, all invested heavily into chasing around, grasping at and trying to obtain unreachable and unobtainable goals, objects and distances. I also, too often, find myself feeling as if I were a ghost or apparition, a whisper in the wind, aimlessly drifting about, to and fro, without direction or order. It's already enough to chose a cloud-bound vector and work towards reaching those clouds with which it intersects. Traveling around in the city and intently listen, there can be heard a sound, a voice that promotes the crystallization and blending of citylife, nature, culture and the environment and encourages all to participate in it, an overwhelming sense for all to try it, indulge in it and appreciate it. Go out to the countryside, hike a mountain, climb up to the highest peak and look down and appreciate the scenic view below then look up, up to the great expanse of the blue, blue sky. Wander down to the beach and listen to the sound of the sea and the lapping of the waves on the sand. I say we should all enjoy and appreciate the wonderful blend and crystallization of nature, wisdom, humanity, culture and life. We should all get out into nature and enjoy it's voice and the voice of all living things.
