
Works Of HE WENJUE in Solo Exhibition in Triumph Gallery




Curator: Gao Yuan

展览时间: 2019.12.8—2020.1.18

Duration: 8 Dec, 2019 - 18 Jan, 2020

开幕时间: 2019.12.8  下午3点半

Opening: 3:30 pm on 8 Dec, 2019

地点: 艺·凯旋画廊

Venue: Triumph Gallery









The Idea of Money Series



Money is an arrogant power, but is also equality at the highest level. All of its major power lies in the point that it will level all the unequal. I created this series of works reflecting the idea of money and mirroring people’s generally shared desires and wishes for wealth by an objective narration in a relaxed attitude. Money is the foundation of civilization, freedom and dignity. People’s pursuit of wealth is also part of the Chinese dream: the road to national rejuvenation, and the road of dreams - When people are rich in the powerful country, the world is at peace.




长20cm 宽12.5 cm 高30.3cm 





I created this work of “Weightier than Mount Tai, or Lighter than Feather” on a whole piece of Hetian green jade inlaid with gold silk. The idea of money has been controversial throughout the ages. Some people value money that is compared to Mount Tai, while others regard money as dust even lighter than feather. This ink black mountain with winding golden lines as vine represents a collision of the soft and the solid, and the entanglement of the heavy and the light. With this piece, I criticize the fact that many people in the real world value money extremely, while in contrast their affections and dreams are lighter than feather. Money is what drives human history forward. The “poisonous” and “destructive” money has now become the yeast of all social development. The economic foundation determines the superstructure.






翡翠金䦅 :长12.5cm 宽8 cm  高4.5cm



The inspiration for the creation of “United As One” comes from the fact that I bet on a heart-shaped jade stone. After polishing the whole stone surface, it turned out to be a piece of gentle heart-shaped emerald. Polished by time and brewed by nature, the stone shines in a fresh cool gloss. Scattered golden lines like blood vessels wrap the heart tightly, in which currents flow quietly. For most people, money is the equivalent of status, fortune, wealth, material and everything in the world. The heart wrapped with gold symbolizes that the human heart is blinded by money, which is wrapped so tightly that it cannot be freed. At the same time, it implies that desire is deeply irresistible - “Our iron shovel and money can conquer where Napoleon’s sword cannot.”





直径3.5cm 厚7mm 和田玉青玉、翡翠 2019



“Chinese Heart Ÿ Small Goals” reflects a good meaning among the people, with somehow a humorous mind as well, which represents people’s desire to be rich and wealthy. In feudal society, the productivity is poor and feudal relations are the brutal and complex, where people are prone to a vague and blind understanding of money that they worship and pursue desperately. Even though history is progressing, human nature stay unchanged. Everyone has an infinite yearning for wealth. Everyone is also the terminal end extending to the family, country and society. When each one sets up a small goal, part of the Chinese dream is safeguarded, and the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation is upheld.




中国梦  冰儒种翡翠原石  28.5x12x15.5cm 2019



If Chinese people, as every participant of the Chinese dream, have solid determination as rock, and all the desires to revitalize and rejuvenate as propelling vascular pumps, united as one, our dream is sure to be realized - But there is still a gap between cruel reality and great dream. Most people dream for fame and fortune, with a mentality of “gambling”. In introspection, I spent tens of thousands of yuan to gamble on a piece of jade stone, on which I engraved “Chinese Dream”, just like all those who bet on stones. What I did was like drilling a “hole” on the stone to see the intensity, transparency and color of the jade inside. - Because the quality of jade depends on the intensity and transparency, and also the color. No matter how good the color may be, it is just a plain stone without transparency. This “ready-made work” with Chinese characteristics has become a new methodology of my artistic concept. 









 The dozens of gestures in Jianghu refers to popular culture codes from ancient times till now. People communicate psychological tacit understanding through conventional gestures and turn them into codes. As a result of that, the symbolizations of gestures are also distinct under different cultural backgrounds. However, they tend to be the same right now with the effect of globalization. The so-called Jianghu originally meant an underworld that had its own rules and regulations. Someone already said that Jianghu exist anywhere where there’re people, so the present world is a big Jianghu when a large number of cultural codes flood.







十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac;尺寸不一 overall dimensions variable;玉 Jade;2006-2008



The work “Chinese Zodiac” is based on the twelve animal heads looted from the Summer Palace during the Second Opium War. The Chinese Zodiac is the symbol of Chinese traditional culture; it embodies the different dynasties of Chinese people in all aspects. The twelve animal heads of the Summer Palace are a cultural relic which has great historical significance and also repeatedly fetch sky-high prices in the auction market. I created this set of works in the shape of skulls carved in jade, with the purpose of stating the history of he Opium War, at the same time, exposing the evil predators, and making people aware of the law of the jungle at the time. It also serves the purpose of expressing the conscious self-examination of artistic creators in the process of the modernization of national history and stating my personal reflection which is represented by bone scraping.






《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品鼠 Rat 41x25x24cm 20435g

《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品牛 Ox 50x43x31cm 25910g

《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品虎 Tiger 40x25x21.5cm 17335g

《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品兔 Rabbit 38x23x25.5cm 21160g

《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品龙 Dragon 41x23x24cm 18345g

《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品七情六欲 Desires 瓷 Porcelian 50*50*8cm X7 2015

食、色,性也。最普世常见的食材,最暧昧隐晦的情欲,皆是人性最本真的欲望。无论是浸于甘饴的蝴蝶,油滑静畅的蕉体,还是阴柔盛放的卷曲,人一旦听凭原始本能的驱使,白与黑,浅与深,从淡薄到浓烈,又从浓烈归于平静,每一个过程中的状态,都是欲望毫无修饰的呈现。 “七情六欲”既是三种物质的形态展现,也是情至深处欲亦翩跹的自由释放。


Human desire for food is as natural as the desire for love. The innermost lusts of human nature manifest in the most commonplace ingredients, and in the shadows and nuances of love. The sweetness of butterfly cookies, the smoothness of the bananas, and the blossoming curls all meet the drives of the primary instincts. White and black, light and dark, faint and strong, flourish then quieten. The state of every process is the unembellished presentation of desires. The various human emotions and desires can be seen in forms of the three substances, or released in freedom as love finds itself in the ultimate.





恶之花 高54cm 宽22cm 4件 清代匣钵、陶瓷 2019





日常影像 - 俄罗斯电影城 布面油画 80x100cm 2013


 日常影像 - 北海 布面油画    80×100cm 2013


日常影像-极限震撼 No.2  布面油画 200x300cm 2014


看电影 - 月牙儿之二   布面油画  90x160cm  2013

《艺凯旋画廊·何汶玦个展》作品日常影像 - 太阳马戏团   布面油画  200x300cm  2014


日常影像-极限震撼 No.1 布面油画  200x300cm   2014


日常影像-极限震撼 No.2  布面油画 200x300cm 2014


日常影像 - 罗马斗兽场  布面油画 80x100cm 2013


看电影-太阳照常升起 NO.2  200×450cm 布面油画 2009


长沙保卫战 NO.1  200×400cm 布面油画  2009


1970 出生于中国湖南

1989-1992 深圳大学现代艺术学士

1994-1997 中央美术学院第九届油画高研班

2003-2006 吉林艺术学院绘画硕士














设计北京——M&T ART × 何汶玦/墨泰艺术空间/中国·北京





权力 / 万和昊美艺术酒店 / 中国·上海

单农艺术支持项目:何汶玦个人作品展 / 单农(侨福芳草地)/ 中国·北京


何汶玦:权力、情欲、死亡/ 白盒子艺术馆 / 中国·北京

堪图术-何汶玦个展 / 新美术馆 / 中国·上海

何汶玦作品全国美术馆巡回展 / 石家庄美术馆 / 中国·石家庄


“何汶玦”个展 / 芳草地画廊 / 中国·北京


“日常影像:何汶玦”个展 / 白盒子艺术馆 / 中国·北京


“双城记”中国新绘画系列个展 ——何汶玦《日常影像》 / 天仁合艺艺术中心 / 中国·杭州


罗博报告封面展 / 华贸中心 / 中国·北京

看电影——何汶玦当代绘画作品展 / 上海浦东国际机场 / 中国·上海

盛世晚宴——何汶玦个人作品展 / 北京秀瓷当代画廊 / 中国·北京

跨界报告·个人作品展 / 跨界中心 / 中国·北京


何汶玦·看电影2008 / 别处空间 / 中国·北京 

何汶玦个人作品展 / Frank Schlag画廊 / 德国·埃森


何汶玦个人作品展 / 多伦美术馆 / 中国·上海

流动的光影——何汶玦新加坡个展 / 杨国际艺术中心 / 新加坡·新加坡


水·波光流影 / 唐人当代艺术中心 / 泰国·曼谷

水·发现 / 圣东方艺术画廊 / 中国·北京 

何汶玦作品展 / 杨国际艺术中心 / 新加坡·新加坡


水·瞬间的波光 / 世纪翰墨画廊 / 中国·北京


阳光·绿水 / 三合艺术中心 / 中国·北京


何汶玦油画作品展 / 湖南画院 / 中国·长沙


何汶玦作品展 / 虹桥电脑城 / 中国·上海


中国美术馆 (中国·北京)

中国华侨博物馆 (中国·北京)

刘海粟美术馆 (中国·上海)

浙江博物馆 (中国·杭州)

德国西门子公司 (德国·柏林)

马德里国家游泳馆 (西班牙·马德里)

美仑美术馆 (中国·长沙)

谭国斌当代艺术博物馆 (中国·长沙)

湖南省画院美术馆 (中国·长沙)

今日美术馆 (中国·北京)

上海多伦美术馆 (中国·上海)

昊美术馆 (中国·上海)

比利时Vanhaerent美术馆 (比利时·布鲁塞尔)

德国奥布莱特美术馆 (德国·柏林)

中国国际奥林匹克委员会美术馆 (中国·广州)

余德耀美术馆 (印尼·雅加达)



印尼CP基金会 (印尼·雅加达)

成都现代艺术馆 (中国·成都)

广东美术馆 (中国·广州)

中国驻美大使馆 (美国·华盛顿)


上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 (中国·上海)

加拿大皇家银行香港分行 (中国·香港)

文轩美术馆 (中国·成都)


白盒子艺术馆 (中国·北京)


石家庄美术馆 (中国·石家庄)

湖南省美术馆 (中国·长沙)

山东美术馆 (中国·山东)

西班牙拉尔克拉陶瓷美术馆 (西班牙·瓦伦西亚 )



中央美术学院美术馆 (中国·北京)
