INTERVIEW|物质访问 即将开幕


INTERVIEW|物质访问 即将开幕

开幕时间:2015.06.27 14:00-18:00




地 址:北京 朝阳区三里屯SOHO A座十层1005



2015年6月27日,我们将举办“INTERVIEW物质访问”薛承林作品展,这也是ART DATA LAB位于北京三里屯的空间首次开幕展。

本次展览的名称来自艺术家薛承林即将展出的影像作品《INTERVIEW物质访问》,作品采用自制交互摄影机,Arduino,振动感应器,振动信息来自被拍摄物“石、木、水”。他在《INTERVIEW物质访问》自述中说到:“能量是一种情感吗? 作为一个影像艺术家,我一直用摄影的方式去记录这个世界的光与影,通过这件作品我尝试着去记录自然界能量,因为我相信能量是情感的基础…”。薛的作品运用Arduino,Processing, MaxMsp等交互方式与摄影,录像, 版画等媒介结合,用互动的方式去探索影像和客观世界的真实性,专注于人与自然的互动,尝试用交互新媒体的方式去探索什么是真实并试图着阐释水墨艺术的本质。

薛承林1982年生于河北, 现工作生活于北京。2013年毕业于美国艾尔弗雷德大学电子综合艺术系, 本科就读于中央美术学院摄影系。


什么是真实?当我们用眼睛去认识这个世界的时候, 我们坚信眼睛所见的才是真实的, 但事实也许并非如此。中国古代的画家们通过禅修的方式与这个世界沟通并描绘这个世界的时候, 是不是在用另一种方式去认识这个世界的另一种真实呢?在我的作品中, 我试图用自制的带有感应器的数字交互装置来记录和描绘这世界,可视化感应器所感知到的物质的能量变化。也许这些带有能量的信息是一种非所见的真实, 是另一种情感的表达... 

INTERVIEW|物质访问 即将开幕

INTERVIEW|物质访问 即将开幕

INTERVIEW|物质访问 即将开幕

INTERVIEW|物质访问 即将开幕

物质访问 3通道视频 3分25秒 | 薛承林 2012年作品

3 Channel Video 3:25 Min | CHENGLIN XUE 2012



OPENING:2015.06.27 14:00-18:00

DATE:2015.06.27 - 07.14



A 1005,Sanlitun SOHO building,Chao Yang District,Beijing.

Exhibition Introduction

Xue Chenglin (b. 1982, Hebei, China) currently lives and works in Beijing. Xue was educated at Alfred University, Department of Electronic Integrated Art and the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He has participated in exhibitions at Werkstadt Grazy Gallery, Vienna, Robert C. Turner Gallery, and CAFA Art Musuem, Beijing among others.

Xue's work uses Arduino, processing, MaxMsp and other interactive software in synergy photography, video, printmaking, and other media. His work explores the nature of video and objective reality, focusing on the relationship between people and nature, attempting to harness interactive media to explore themes present in traditional Chinese ink painting Artist's Statement What is reality? When we approach the world through vision, we believe that what we see is reality, but in reality, maybe not. If Ancient Chinese artists used meditation to communicate with and describe the world, can we also use an alternative dialectic to access an alternative vision of reality? In my work I have attempted to use self-constructed digital interactive receptive installations to record and describe the world, visually rendering the transformation of materi-al energy. Perhaps such a visualization of energy is in fact the manifestation of an invisible reality, the expression of an alternative emotion...

Artist's Statement

What is reality? When we approach the world through vision, we believe that what we see is reality, but in reality, maybe not. If Ancient Chinese artists used meditation to communicate with and describe the world, can we also use an alternative dialectic to access an alternative vision of reality? In my work I have attempted to use self-constructed digital interactive receptive installations to record and describe the world, visually rendering the transformation of material energy. Perhaps such a visualization of energy is in fact the manifestation of an invisible reality, the expression of an alternative emotion...


Is Energy an emotion?

As a photographer, I can use images to express light and shadow; however, I couldn't capture the energy of nature.

This piece is an attempt to record the energy of nature. I believe energy is generated by emotion: every natural object may have a feeling we cannot read. Thus, the pro-cess of this work seems like an interview with objects. I feel as if they are speaking whenever the objects shake in the videos. Fabricated webcam system with 10 vibration motors, Arduino and Vibration data from the subject The water is come from the creek in Alfred The wooden Log is come from the Foster Lake The stone is come from the ground outside of Powell Campus Center, Alfred University.

THANKS|特别鸣谢:ReLab设计工作室/王子乔PINO WANG/毕丽娜BI Lina/赵幸XING ZI

更多讯息请联系媒体负责人 / Media Contact

罗丽娜 Katariina


Add|地址:北京市朝阳区工体北路三里屯SOHO A座十层1005

A1005,Sanlitun SOHO Buiding,Chaoyang District,Beijing
