
油画(布面油画) / 布上油画 / 40×30cm / 2019






traveling in the mirror

I was the first to know that the three words "traveling in the mirror" came from the Southern Song and Liu Yiqing's "new words of the world" speech.
"Mountain vagina up, such as in the mirror," Wang Xizhi used to describe Jianhu, which means to walk from the mountain vagina, feel like playing in the mirror!
Later, I came across Yan Jidao's huanxisha, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the same palace makeup and colorful boat. The Biro fan is ashamed of itself. Narcissus swim in the mirror.
I remember that when I was in school, I had several seal cutting classes, and I learned to carve a "tour in the mirror", which was covered on many of my Chinese painting assignments at that time.
Obviously, "traveling in the mirror" has a very artistic conception.
However, in many cases, "in the mirror" is not so beautiful, such as "don't look at yourself in the mirror, look at your virtue". If you accidentally get a mirror, wow, it's all monsters. What's more cruel is "magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"
These ten small oval paintings actually come from the plates I drew not long ago. Why don't I talk more about drawing plates? My saliva is dry not long ago. In short, there are some frames left on the plates. I don't want to draw plates. Just paint them casually. After painting, I find that the ellipse is a little like a mirror, but I can't swim in the mirror. It flashes in my mind It's all negative energy things like "magic mirror".
It's too annoying. I have to add something, so I turn to my previous album to find out how I feel. By the way, "silly happiness" is full of parts, and few of them put a lot of things in the middle of the theme painting, "flying sky" on the edge of the canvas. So, these are hanging on the edge of the mirror, the feeling of going in and out. Originally, it was intended to be named "the mirror of desire". In order not to appear so vulgar, the title was simply "traveling in the mirror".

标签 镜子女人欲望空灵



