《克莱因红 Klein Red No.5》摄影原作

摄影 / 艺术微喷/铝塑板无框装裱 / 80×54cm / 2015 / 共3版






1957年,法国艺术家克莱因(Yves Klein)以自己的名字命名了一种极具生命力的颜色:“克莱因蓝”。2015年,中国摄影师欢岛运用当代艺术中的创作手法,“挪用”了“克莱因蓝”的概念,邀请造型师Bloody Chic及舞者们一起完成了一组作品:“克莱因红”。她尝试运用色彩、时尚、身体和情绪的力量唤起女性在传统意识形态及长期“男性凝视”压迫下的自我意识。欢岛相信“克莱因红”是挑逗的,激情的,它呼唤着自由和生命,以及最强烈的心灵感受。

女性的社会角色较多时间处于被观看和被切割的状态,似乎缺少一个角色被确定而大胆的称为“我”,他者的目光构成自我价值肯定的重要来源,尤其在亲密关系中,这种被期待的特定形象与自我表达的矛盾越来愈深. “克莱因红”正是挑战传统的叛逆者,在图像中,男性角色似乎在粉末中隐藏, 女性带着张扬的肢体动作登场、幼蛙从器皿中逃出…此组作品更希望女性赋予自己真实表达自信和欲望的权利,并启发女性重新思考亲密关系中的角色。


About “Klein Red”

1957, the French Artist Yves Klein named a very powerful colour "Klein Blue" under his own name. Chinese photographer JoyIsland has used the creative techniques in contemporary art to "appropriate” the concept of "Klein Blue”, inviting stylist Bloody Chic and dancers to complete this set of photographs, filled with strong red elements. She uses the power of colour, fashion, body and emotion to arouse women's self-awareness under the pressure of traditional ideology and long-term "male gaze". She believes that "Klein Red" is provocative and passionate. It calls for freedom and life, as well as the strongest spiritual feelings.

Female social roles are mostly in a state of being watched. It seems that there is a lack of a role that is determined and boldly called “I”. The eyes of others gradually become an important source of self-worth, especially within intimate relationships. The deep contradiction between specific expectation of image and self-expression is getting deeper and deeper ... "Klein Red" is a rebel who challenges this tradition. In the images (photographs/art), the male character seems to fade into the powder, with the female confidently dressed up on stage, while the young frogs escape from the vessel. This group of works envisages hope that women will give themselves the right to express self-confidence and desire, inspiring them to rethink their roles within intimate relationships.

Even so, "Klein Red" vaguely exudes supernatural coldness, alerting you to your adrenaline reaching its maximum, this is a maze that can never be escaped.


标签 红色摄影原作克莱因红欢岛

欢岛 Joy Island


