


Drawing has always been a language for me. It’s a dialogue between me and higher self. It's a comprehensible conversation and expression of higher energy. My purpose here is not to tell you what I think or what I see. I'm here only to show the conversation that I have between myself and material; my past and present; my lost and found.
Creativity, generosity, patience and love. On my way to my spiritual world, it’s all about experiencing the senses, embracing the unseen around and presenting them into the material realm of existence.  My drawings have a wonderful cosmic energy, which is like the universe is seeking to replenish, restore and create through me. I am the creator. By opening my heart with gratitude and "artist's hand", an all-encompassing emotional contentment will flow into the drawings. After 10 years running away from my own uniqueness, I finally made up my mind. I'm here only to tell my journey to eternity in this awaking world.
And I will always be interested in the possibilities, and more so the impossibilities of drawing, painting and creation.

【 B I O 故 事 】

当代国潮新锐艺术家、印花艺术家、装置艺术家。自2岁起,从小师承上海现代儿童美术馆馆长、上海海美术家协会会员薛文彪,自小全球儿童画比赛获奖无数。2012年毕业于同济大学动画专业,参与2012年上海大学生水彩画展;2014-2017 参与风暴电音节、浸入式戏剧《不眠之夜》Sleep No More 项目;2018年深造于美国罗德岛设计学院, 现为美国肖像协会会员。她的艺术翻译成布面印花作品长期合作与独立设计师品牌EKATERINA LAMBERT。

A local artist who’s interested in cutting edge trend of contemporary national culture. She who also can be a painter, print artist and installation artist. Rongjia started her painting career with large number of children’s art competition rewards since the age of 2, studying under the master of Xue Wenbiao, the notable children’s art educator, who is also the director of Shanghai Modern Children’s Art Museum. She graduated at Tongji University animation major. Her art work got exhibited at Watercolor Exhibition of University Students in Shanghai 2012; She went to RISD(RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN) for further study in USA. Now she is a member of Portrait Society of America. Her artwork has been transformed into art prints and collaborating together with Design Brand EKATERINA LAMBERT.