

周洲舟,原名周海广,当代著名艺术家,籍贯河北,1996年毕业于中央工艺美术学院(现清华大学美术学院),海外华人美术家协会理事,中国工艺美术学会会员,河北美术家协会会员,中央美术学院特聘教授;现定居北京,多年从事当代新水墨的学术研究,大胆的尝试去传统笔墨技法,创造性的结合西方艺术理论,是当代新水墨的领军人物之一,作品曾被国内外多家艺术机构收藏,是国内最具收藏潜力的新锐艺术家之一。2014年作品《中国情人》入选第12届全国美展;2014年10月参加中俄文化交流年活动,在圣彼得堡历史博物馆及克里姆林宫举办画展,2015年1月参加第20界美国洛杉矶艺术博览会,2015、2016年中国《中国国际文化艺术博览会》最佳艺术创作奖。 2016年首届海南国际艺术双年展新锐艺术家奖。2016中国观网当代艺术影响力人物奖,2017海南国际艺术大展最佳实践大奖。



2916 宋庄美术馆10周年特展,北京

2016"同时代人"当代艺术展 北京山水美术馆




2016 把丫涂了 西蒙画廊




2015年中国中央工艺美术学院《水墨光华》当代水墨艺术展北京鸟巢 文化中心




2015年中国《2015ART中国年》北京 宋庄



2014年 中国参加第20届北京国际艺术博览会。

2014年 中国第12届全国美展。

2014年 中国《美丽新世界》北京上上国际美术馆


2014年 中国《微艺术展》北京上上国际美术馆


Zhou Zhouzhou (formerly known as Zhou Haiguang), China’s renowned contemporary artist, is now a member of China National Arts and Crafts Society and Hebei Artists Society and at the same time works as a specially appointed professor in China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Born in Hebei Province, Zhou graduated from China Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University). During his years of work in Beijing, Zhou focuses on the academic study of the contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting and becomes one of the leading figures in this field because of his bold attempts to innovate the traditional painting techniques and his creative efforts to combine Chinese painting theories with western art theories. With his works collected by many arts organizations both at home and abroad, Zhou has one of the most sough-after artists in China. In 2014, his work "China’s Lover" was selected and exhibited at that year’s National Fine Arts Exhibition.

Zhou’s works have been exhibited at:

The 2015 "Without Limitation in Art" contemporary art exhibition held by Sunshine International Art Museum in Beijing, China;

The 2015 Contemporary Ink and Wash Art Exhibition held by Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University at Bird’s Nest Culture Center, Beijing, China;

The 2015 "Ji" Art Exhibition held by Enjoy Museum of Art in 798 art district in Beijing, China;

The 2015 Micro Art Exhibition held by Beijing Jiuceng International Art Museum;

The LA Art Show 2015;

The 2015 Chinese New Year Art Exhibition held in Beijing, China

The 2014 Neva Art Exhibition (part of China-Russia Cultural Exchange Year activities) held in the St Petersburg History Museum;

The 2014 Moscow Art Exhibition (part of China-Russia Cultural Exchange Year activities) in the Kremlin;

The 20th Beijing International Art Expo;

The "Beautiful New World" Exhibition held in Songzhuang, Beijing;

The 2014 Southern China International Art Exhibition held in the Guangdong Province;

and the 2014 Micro Art Exhibition held by Sunshine International Art Museum in Beijing, China.

Here is one commentary by Ya Ri on Zhou’s work:

The Artistry of Ink and Wash Paintings

--An Exploration of the Ethereal Beauty of Zhou’s Landscape Ink Paintings

The beauty in artistic conception lies at the core of beauty in form. Characterized by elegant painting style and novel painting composition, Zhou’s works emanate a sense of simplicity and freedom. Vivid and well-arranged, Zhou’s works speak eloquently to his artistic attainments and present the beauty of natural scenery to the full. Enjoying his works, you will feel at ease physically and mentally, totally immersed in calm and tranquility. You will also feel your spirit purified once you understand the Buddhist sense in the paintings.

Created in a natural way, the landscape paintings seem to break away from the mundane world and thus highlight the elegant, ethereal and serene atmosphere. Savoring the Buddhist sense in his paintings can make you feel that you’re staying on a pure land created by pious Buddhism followers.
