

2023年 个人作品展《梦 与星从》 南昌高新区图书馆
2023年 《安徒生国际艺术奖》 青年组 金奖 丹麦欧登塞
2022年 AETSHOPPING 法国卢浮宫博物馆 卡鲁塞尔展厅全球当代艺术展 巴黎
2022年 朗诗《望山》艺术家群展 朗诗集团 上海
2021年 个人作品展《寻辰之鲸》 上海
2020年 博乐德&鸿基金 慈善拍卖会 福建厦门
2020年 《念 & ROSE STONE 》双个展 莫邸画廊 上海
2019年 《遇鉴大师》——2019中外大师名家版画新年展 马奈草地美术馆 北京
2019年 《万物生》海内外名家版画作品展 北京798国际艺术中心
2019年 《艺术启示录》艺术群展 全球原创艺术中心 深圳
2019年 《空间中的糖果盒子》艺术群展 天空之境美术馆 北京
2019年 个人作品展《梦存浩瀚》 ARTGOGO艺术空间 上海
2019年 《MISSING ANIMALS》艺术群展 WKgallery 北京
2019年 《百包秘境》Devolucao&Artand艺术群展 上海复兴SOHO
2019年 《当代艺术及潮玩》博乐德2019秋季艺术品拍卖会 厦门
2018年 《2018 ART FAIR艺术大会》艺术群展 官舍会空间 北京
2018年 杭州艺博会《星夜兼程——青年艺术家推介展》
2018年 动物艺术展《对话》艺术群展 北京
2018年 北京时装周WEEKUP 艺术群展
2018年 上海喜马拉雅美术馆2018"没"展
2017年 南京博览会 《时光系列》BYART艺术
2017年 《栖息》BYART&柯图 三人联展 杭州
2017年 第二十一届上海艺博会 《夜之交响曲01-03》
2017年 第十二届青年艺术家推介展 上海
2017年 《夜的告白之说》系列作品收录于《名鉴——当代青年艺术家作品精选集》西泠印社出版
2017年 《冬藏之花》官舍会空间 北京
2016年 第二届国际艺术才女油画展 优秀作品奖 長沙
2016年 《支点》当代青年艺术家群展 北京
2016年 全国女性艺术家年度巡礼展 北京
2011年 获得《全国大学生冰雕比赛》三等奖及优秀奖
2005年 获得《第十一届全国冰雪邀请展》特别金奖


• 2023 Solo Exhibition "Dreams and Stars" at Nanchang High-tech Zone Library
• 2023 "Hans Christian Andersen International Art Award" Youth Category Gold Prize in Odense, Denmark
• 2022 AETSHOPPING Global Contemporary Art Exhibition at Carrousel Hall, Louvre Museum, Paris
• 2022 "Looking at the Mountains" Artist Group Exhibition by Langshi Group in Shanghai
• 2021 Solo Exhibition "Fancy Whale" in Shanghai
• 2021 Bolede & Hong Foundation Charity Auction in Xiamen, Fujian
• 2020 Dual Exhibition "Thought & ROSE STONE" at Modu Gallery, Shanghai
• 2019 "Encounter Masters" - 2019 Chinese and Foreign Masters Print New Year Exhibition at Manet Grassland Art Museum, Beijing
• 2019 "All Things Alive" Print Works Exhibition by Domestic and Overseas Masters at 798 International Art Center, Beijing
• 2018 Solo Exhibition "Dreams in the Vast" at ARTGOGO Art Space, Shanghai
• 2018 Hangzhou Art Expo "Starry Night Journey - Young Artists Promotion Exhibition"

• 2023 "Hans Christian Andersen International Art Award" Youth Category Gold Prize in Odense, Denmark
• 2015 Third Prize and Excellent Prize in the National University Ice Sculpture Competition
• 2015 Special Gold Prize in the 11th National Ice and Snow Invitation Exhibition

• Graduated from Shanghai Maritime University in 2015



Creation Philosophy:
The artist aims to depict the obsession and questions within their own consciousness, exploring how individuals should understand and cope with the entanglements and troubles of the material world. They delve into the innermost depths of their own consciousness, examining what is seen and felt about life, and unraveling the meaning and truth behind life and consciousness.

Every living being is a miracle created by the universe, each with its unique meaning of existence. Human consciousness emerges with the slightest thought, a subtle vibration without cause, beginning the origin of the universe and life. The connection between human consciousness and the universe can be seen as a unity of macro and micro: on the cosmic level, countless galaxies form the overall structure and evolution of the universe, while on the microscopic level, the interactions of atoms and molecules drive the formation of living and inorganic matter. Consciousness plays a pivotal role as a bridge connecting the universe and living beings. Every atom in the universe is produced through fusion from the simplest hydrogen created by stars. After billions of years, stars exhaust their fuel and die, spraying the atoms they nurtured into the ethereal space – a change of energy, much like consciousness.

Is the universe, like us, also a conscious living being? In 2012, "Nature" published a research paper in its scientific reports section, demonstrating that the growth process and structure of the universe are almost identical to the generation process of human brain cells. Both the universe and human cells are holographic, indivisible wholes with tightly interconnected parts, displaying network properties similar to the "small world" phenomenon, which indicates both local connections and remote links. This suggests a profound connection between the structure of the universe and our brains. Since our consciousness needs energy to sustain and transform, once detached from the body, it may return to the universe.

Our reason and senses are used to perceive the spiritual and material worlds, so what we see is often one-sided and limited. However, everything is exposed under the gaze of the universe, which is connected to our consciousness. Thus, the material world and the spiritual world are not separate independent entities but interdependent and interconnected. Both Daoist and Confucian philosophies believe that the material world is a part of our spirit, and the spiritual world also influences the material world. In summary, by coordinating the body and mind, extending the human mind to spiritual heights through the forgetting of self, and continuously exploring and transcending spiritually, one can truly comprehend the essence and truth of things, gaining genuine freedom and liberation.

[Her works have been collected by various art institutions, galleries and private collections at home and abroad.

Art cooperation and art collection can be negotiated and consulted through ARTAND station chat tools]