




2022年,我的创作以无限身份Infinity Identity为核心分化出了三个世界,它们由浅到深为:表世界External world(XIAGAR掌管)、里世界Internal world(爱弱子Errorz掌管)和底世界Inner world(画阳HuaSun掌管),三个世界之间以神经疤(Nerve Scar)连接。

Rongqi Li(XIAGAR)

Graduated from Applied Psychology major in 2018, I currently using XIAGAR as a personal symbol for multi-dimensional creation. In painting, I prefer bright colors for self-exploration, understanding and reflection, and use emotions to build a channel between the viewer and their own internal and external environment.

At the end of 2020, I have explored four main identities through painting. They are XIAGAR, HuaSun, ANTI-YOU and Errorz in order of appearance. The creation and aesthetic orientation of them are so different, but they complement each other.

In 2022, my creation was divided into three worlds, Infinity Identity as the core. They are from shallow to deep: the external world (in charge of XIAGAR), the internal world(in charge of Errorz), and the inner world (in charge of HuaSun), three worlds are connected by Nerve Scar.


2020 07 《Tortured Soul Boy • Sending Flower受伤的男孩 • 送花》

2022 08 《Infinity Identity 无限身份》

2022 11 《ACCIDENT 意外》
