An Artist Inspired

Robert Mason

    One of the highest accolades an artist can receive during their creative journey is to be recognised by other artists for their perseverance in the quest for excellence or achievement in a particular style or subject. To receive this recognition in one area such as technical skill or for the use of colour, composition or even the creation of a distinctly unique style is very rare, especially for an artist who has yet to reach their fourth decade. Li Baiming is one of those very rare artists who has achieved recognition in all of the aforementioned areas and who at the same time is capable of turning his hand from very fine meticulous works such as his "Historical Homes" series, to those that are more contemporary and distinctly innovative, as seen in his "Creation . Recreation . Metamorphosis" series. 

An Artist Inspired

   Li Baiming is a deep thinker, who observes life and nature in a way that stirs his spirit and inspires him to express visually what has touched his heart, mind and senses. His creative imagination is inspired by the seen and the unseen, ranging from the hidden folds and layers of snow upon a roof to the secret depths or tops of mountains rising above a sea of ever changing clouds. These new worlds come alive and are revealed in all of their beauty, delicacy and majestic power through the use of an array of mastered techniques and brushstrokes, which effortlessly apply the ink and watercolour across the xuan paper. 

An Artist Inspired

    His in-depth knowledge of Chinese history, famous classical literature and poetry have also inspired him to write and create poetry of his own, based upon his experiences and observations of nature and people, which can be seen in his "The Silent Declaration" and "The Slipping of Time".

An Artist Inspired

   The first time that I came across Li Baiming’s works was at the National Art Museum of China, where the 5th Beijing International Art Biennale was being held. Such special events are often well attended and a diverse range of visitors can be seen walking around taking photos with their mobile phones, only occasionally stopping when something stands out and draws them closer; which is what happened when the visitors encountered a meticulously detailed work by the artist. Soon a small crowd had gathered to discuss the work of art, which is always a pleasure to see and this has continued to happen when people come across and are moved by his outstanding artistic accomplishments, which in itself speaks volumes.

                         By  Robert Mason - Art Director

                            (Beijing Central Art Gallery)
