



"别现代",一个由著名美学家、艺术理论家王建疆教授创造的,与西方现代、后现代相对的关于社会形态和社会发展阶段的新理论。该理论自2014年首创以来,引起了国内外哲学界的巨大反响。2016年、2017年,上海师范大学、美国佐治亚西南州立大学曾分别举办了别现代艺术图片展。与前两次展览不同的是,《此时此刻: 别现代∙中国》是首次以 "别现代" 为名的艺术原作展。其意义在于别现代理论与中国艺术实践的交流不仅仅只限于前者对于后者的关注、认识与批评;我们看到,大量的艺术家正由被动转而主动参与,期以与 "别现代" 美学产生共鸣。美学圈与美术圈,差一个字,以往却老死不相往来。本展初衷正是希望双方能打开禁锢,得以交叉介入、相互影响,以致撞击出新的火花,产生新的思想,发现彼此的诸多共鸣。 "此时此刻"正是以"安住当下"的顿悟将 "别现代" 与前现代、现代、后现代区分开来。 "当下" 是最小的时间单位,1秒钟相当于3600个当下。 把时间切到很小很小的单位时,当下就是永恒。人能活着和感觉到的只有当下,艺术家亦不例外。作为真正创造者的当代艺术家,其实甚少谈及"现代",即便是更为接近当下的 "后现代",亦属于历史范畴,唯一能做的只有 "别" 与 "别样化"(Beyond),从而达到超越,即最美好的境界。 "当下性" 因而成为我们策划此次展览的一个抉择标准。无论是采用中国传统的水墨,还是来自西方的抽象、表现、波普、新写实主义的艺术语汇,或是大地艺术与数字影像。 形式在这里成为表达的工具, 而我们所能感受到蕴藏于作品中的思想力量,正是来自于 "别现代" 所指的这个共时生存的中国社会与空间。同时,这些感性的艺术创造形式也能更好地诠释亦或开拓 "别现代" 的思想,甚至带来新的维度。 此时此刻,当我们深深地融入当下,即可以触及过去与未来。 


 Lu Leiping

Just the Very Moment: Bie-modern. China "Bie-modern" is a new theory in regard to the stage of social formation and development which is created by Professor Wang Jianjiang, the famous aesthetician and art theorist, opposite to the modernism and post-modernism of the western world. Since initiated in 2014, the theory has generated a huge storm in the scene of aesthetics both at home and abroad. The Bie-modern Art Picture Exhibition was held by Shanghai Normal University in 2016, and then by Georgia Southwestern State University in US in 2017. In contrast, "Just the Very Moment: Bie-modern. China", the exhibition is the first exhibition consisting of original works named as "Bie-modern". The point is that the communication between the theory of "Biemodern" and Chinese artistic practice is not limited to the attention,cognition and criticism to the latter by the former. It is observed that, a good number of artists are converting from the passive into active participators, in anticipation of resonating with the aesthetics of "Biemodern". The scenes of aesthetics and fine arts, only with delicate difference in their names in Chinese, used to be never in contact with each other. Actually, new sparks could be flashed from the collisions of cross intervention and interaction if the two fields are unlocked, and then a variety of resonance effects could also be discovered. In the exhibition of "Just the Very Moment", the "Bie-modern" is exactly distinguished from the pre-modern, modern, and post-modern in a concept of "just being here (the present)". The present (dang xia, in Chinese) represents the minimal unit of time in the Buddhist texts, in which there are 60 seconds in one minutes, 60 instants in one second, 60 dang xia in one instant, and 3600 dang xia in one second. The time is subdivided into a very tiny unit in which the minimal unit (dang xia) means the eternity. Without exception, all that one can live and feel is the present, even the artists. In fact, as a true creator, the contemporary artists seldom refer to "modern", even the "postmodern" which is closer to the present also belongs to the category of history. The only thing we can do is about "Bie" and "Beyond" the modern, and consequently the superior and finest level could be reached. Thus the "presence" becomes one of essential standards when the exhibition is being curated. Its expression includes from the traditional Chinese ink painting, to the artistic language of western world, such as abstractionism, expressionism, pop art and new realism, or even the land art and digital image. Here the form becomes a tool of expression, and the power of thought that we could feel deeply in the works stems precisely from the synchronic society and space in Chinawhich is referred to by the "Bie-modern". In the meantime, the sensitive forms of artistic creation could also further explain or even exploit the concept of "Bie-modern", so much so that they could bring a new dimension. "Just the Very Moment" represents the shared concept of modern art, and at the very moment, Bie-modern has become a visual symbol across time and space. 





集成电路 | Integrated Circuit 邱黯雄 单频录像 10’37’’ 2013



PM2.5 司元启 装置,陶 2018


球体般安静的存在 Suppose it is as quiet as a ball 李储会 铝皮 2016


捕猎 | Hunting 邵云辉 数码版画 100×140cm 2018年


误食| Wrong Eating 吴昊 H33×43×23cm 铸造,切割,酸处理 2012



椽 / 磊 / 筛 | Rafter / Stones / Sieve 宋明明 图片播映


维他命5 | Vitamins No.5 唐国志 布面油画,胶瓶 160cmx120x9cm



维他命2 | Vitamins No.2 唐国志 布面油画,胶瓶 200cmx160x9cm 2016

