




胡志颖 《安徒生童话》之四,2016,裝置,綜合媒介,纽约现代艺术博物馆 HU ZHIYING The Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (4), 2016, Instalation, Mixed Media, Museum of Modern Art in New York

胡志穎先生是一位很獨特的藝術家,在美術界有相當的影響。 一度交往也相當頻繁,我很佩服他追求藝術、毫不妥協、超越世俗名利、獨行己見、一意孤行的精神,正可謂:“天行健,君子以自強不息。”


胡志颖 《安徒生童话》之一,2016,裝置,綜合媒介,纽约现代艺术博物馆 HU ZHIYING The Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (1), 2016, Instalation, Mixed Media, Museum of Modern Art in New York

他的畫風與時風迥然不同,我被他作品強烈的視覺衝擊力與震撼力所打動。 在上世紀九十年代,他在中國畫壇上,以古典山水符號與西方視覺圖像交織,形成特有的風格,一種與自然世界異乎尋常的關係,使東西方藝術奇特溝通,天然成趣,與眾不同。


胡志颖 《安徒生童话》之二,2016,裝置,綜合媒介,纽约现代艺术博物馆 HU ZHIYING The Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (2), 2016, Instalation, Mixed Media, Museum of Modern Art in New York


胡志颖 《安徒生童话》之三,2016,裝置,綜合媒介,纽约现代艺术博物馆 HU ZHIYING The Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (3), 2016, Instalation, Mixed Media, Museum of Modern Art in New York

近年來,胡先生的作品則遊弋于美與醜、生與死、此岸世界與彼岸世界之間,有一種特殊驚悚感,這一點在中國是罕見的。 尤其在他的繪畫中,在國際視野中體現他是一個極寶貴的天才。


胡志颖 《安徒生童话》之五,2016,裝置,綜合媒介,纽约现代艺术博物馆 HU ZHIYING The Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (5), 2016, Instalation, Mixed Media, Museum of Modern Art in New York

我以為,文化是人對存在的浸潤與推進。 胡志穎先生國學根基深厚,同時又在前衛藝術領域取得高度成就,是一種極為可貴的人文素質,是一種極其寶貴的推動文化的力量,胡志穎先生就是一個這樣難得的人!


胡志颖 基督蒙难之五,2015,布上油彩、丙烯、木碳,170x200cm HU ZHIYING The Crucifixion of Christ V, 2015, oil, acrylics, charcoal on canvas, 170×200 cm


胡志颖 三位一体——仙花,神女,圣徒(1) 2010,布上油彩、丙烯、大漆,206×163cm HU ZHIYING Trinity---Heaven Flower, Goddess, Apostle (1), 2010, oil acrylics, lacquer on canvas, 206×163 cm


The Gentleman Should Improve Himself

Li Zhengtian


胡志颖 音乐家档案——阿諾爾德‧勳伯格 2013,布上油彩、丙烯,200×170cm HU ZHIYING Musician Achieve---ARNOLD SCHOENBERG, 2013, oil, acrylics on canvas, 200×170 cm

Mr. Hu Zhiying as a very unique artist who is very well known in the arts field. Aster this first interaction, I have communicated quite frequently with him. I really admire the way he pursues his art without compromise and has created a distinct style of his own. He is a wealth of individuality and independence. In tune with the old Chinese saying, "As the heaven revolves, the gentleman should improve himself".


 胡志颖 人物(2) 2010,布上油彩、丙烯,200×170cm HU ZHIYING Figure (2), 2010, oil, acrylics, lacquer on canvas, 200×170 cm

Mr. Hu’s painting style is very different from the current painting style, I have been impressed by the strong visual impact and power of his work. In the 1990’s, his paintings reflected both the Chinese and Western classical traditions in landscape painting with symbols interwoven among visual images. In so doing, he formed a unique style that depicts an unusual relationship with the natural world.


胡志颖 三位一体——仙花,神女,圣徒(2) 2010,布上油彩、丙烯、大漆,206×163cm HU ZHIYING Trinity---Heaven Flower, Goddess, Apostle (2), 2010, oil acrylics, lacquer on canvas, 206×163 cm

In recent years, Mr. Hu’s works show the contrasts between beauty and ugliness, life and death, this world and the other side of the world, there is a special sense of horror in his paintings. This is rare in China. It shows, especially in his paintings, that he is a rare talent in an international perspective.


胡志颖 文学家档案——弗蘭茲‧卡夫卡 2013,布上油彩、丙烯,200×170cm HU ZHIYING Writer Achieve---FRANZ KAFKA, 2013, oil, acrylics on canvas, 200×170 cm

Culture is the reflection of society while it also enhances people’s lives. Mr. Hu Zhiying had solid grounding in traditional Chinese art and has made high accomplishments on avant-garde field. All of thus makes him an extremely valuable individual for promoting culture. Hu Zhiying is a rare one!


胡志颖 魔笛之三 2014,布上油彩、丙烯,140×170cm HU ZHIYING The Magic Flute III, 2014, oil, acrylics on canvas, 140×170 cm

(Li Zhengtian, artist, philosopher, pro-democracy leader)