

邹葳  Zou Wei

邹葳,1990年出生于广东河源,2015年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,2020年硕士毕业于中央美术学院油画系,现生活工作于北京。近期个展包括: “雾中风景”, 白境艺术空间,深圳,2021;“花园与雕像”, 新广州画廊,广州,2021; “镜寓”, 河源市美术馆, 广东河源,2019。

Zou Wei, born in 1990 in Heyuan, Guangdong province, graduated from the Department of Oil Painting of The Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2015, and graduated from the Department with a master's degree in 2020. Recent solo exhibitions include: Landscape in fog, Baijing Art Space, Shenzhen, 2021; Garden and Statue, New Guangzhou Gallery, Guangzhou,2021; Mirror House, Heyuan Art Museum, Heyuan, Guangdong,2019